Championing sustainability

Our work to care for environment extends to championing sustainable site management to protect and boost local biodiversity values.

Some of the important work we’ve been undertaking across our sites includes:

  • Revegetating the Casterton Sewage Treatment Plant to create a suitable habitat for the endangered Red Tailed Black Cockatoo.
  • Removing invasive woody weeds at Bald Hill in Portland to allow threatened species of Bandicoots, orchids, lilies and wildflowers to thrive.
  • Restoring the ecosystem at an important remnant grassy woodland near Dunkeld to support the Endangered Button Wrinklewort and critically endangered Striped Legless Lizard.
  • Undertaking community engagement and education around biodiversity and cultural conservation with key stakeholders including Indigenous people, land managers, private enterprise, community groups, local government and Catchment Management Authorities (CMAs).
  • Containment and prevention of Weeds of National Significance (WONS), prevention of any State Prohibited weeds from establishing, eradication of any Regional Prohibited weeds and the management of Controlled Schedule 2 weeds across our sites as per the Catchment and Land Protection Act (CALP 1994).
  • Maintaining the condition of all remnant bushland and revegetated sites on the land we managed.
  • Entering into Stewardship Agreements with the Glenelg Hopkins CMA to protect remnants of critically endangered Victorian Volcanic Plains and Australasian Bittern populations.
  • Reinstating natural fire regimes at several native bushland sites.

Dunkeld Grassy Woodlands

Hear from the experts about how we’re managing the rare and precious habitat at our Dunkeld Grassy Woodlands site.